Here are the words God gave me. Sorry! They didn't post on above posting.
We said, "Yes, Lord!"
And surrendered all.
We prayed, "Use us!"
And answered the call.
Lingered in His presence
Longed for the day
Watched and waited
Illuminate our way!
Excited beyond measure
Hungered to know Him more
Begged to go deeper
We desired to soar!
Told us to prepare
For the venture ahead
To equip ourselves for battle
To be ready, to be fed
Filled our hearts with love
For a lost and dying world
Waited to make a difference?
Only a boy and a girl!
Looked to each new day
Eager for Him to speak
Expected miracles to happen
Waited for a harvest to reap
Learning to be faithful
In the small and little ways
Believing in His promises
Trusting Him our days
Blessed beyond compare
God laid out the plan
Opened wide the doors
No way this was man!
Mountaintops so lovely
Blessings abound
Loved all God's beauty
And happiness found
Best plans were pursued
Hopes and dreams established
Excited to receive our call
Served the Lord with gladness!
Did all we knew to do
Anticipated the greatness
God would do through us
Feeling ever so weightless
In our wildest imaginations
Caught completely off guard
Sinful ways of man came calling
Pool of blood on "sacred yard."
Beyond all comprehension!
No words to convey
Never saw this coming
Believed the costs we weighed
A boy with a call
Lay lifeless and broken
His girls right beside him
With many prayers spoken
Loved and beaten
Left to die
Sounds all to familiar
But Lord, Why?
Trustworthy and True
Loving and Faithful
In control, on the throne
Came to mind when "weightful"
God never left our sides
Carrying us all the way
Reassuring us of His love
True miracles each day
The call is ever strong
Our passion ever true
God is on the throne
In Him we will pursue
Never ceasing to amaze
Awing us each day
This life of adventure
Humbled along the way
The destination lain before us
The journey was unknown
God used good for evil
And many seeds were sown!